Natura Ice Bucket

The NATURA ice bucket is a stylish wine cooler/ice cube holder to place near-table for use in restaurants. It was developed at the request of Plascies S.L. for the end customer Koala.

Plascies approached Raul Bengoa Design with an idea and a market need but no previous experience in this particular market segment and product class, effectively offering a blank page to carry on the design process.

The specifications were focused on simplicity, ease of production and lightness. The main concerns articulated by the customer were to keep the total weight of the bucket down while mantaining resistance, and to keep the manufacturing operations to the minimum with the goal of keeping the production cost as low as possible.

The development resulted in a simple and pleasant to the eye plastic ice cube holder. NATURA is sturdy enough to withstand every hit or drop that may ocurr during its use, preventing cracking or denting thanks to the polymer used, while at the same time placing its weight among the lightest in the market.